Happy Yota Club

Who wants to join KTT's happy Yota club
Send us a picture of your happy Yota. Let us know how happy your Yota is and why. Include your address for a free sticker. You can email me the...
Who wants to join KTT's happy Yota club
Send us a picture of your happy Yota. Let us know how happy your Yota is and why. Include your address for a free sticker. You can email me the...

Happy Yota
My yota is happy with the new bikini top! She's been waiting a few years to get it. Justin Seyer
Happy Yota
My yota is happy with the new bikini top! She's been waiting a few years to get it. Justin Seyer

Happy Yota
My Yota is the happiest in town because it's got the best hat in town. It doesn't have the heavy, stuffy top that all the others have. It's got a...
Happy Yota
My Yota is the happiest in town because it's got the best hat in town. It doesn't have the heavy, stuffy top that all the others have. It's got a...